
Offering certification for training services that include a restrictive physical intervention

Bild Association of
Certified Training

Bild Association of Certified Training has been set up to certify training services that include a restrictive physical intervention. We are licenced by the Restraint Reduction Net­work to certify services as complying with the Restraint Reduction Network Training Standards.

Chair of Bild ACT Trustees - Teresa Sargent
Certification Director - Paul Keedwell

What do you need to know about certification?

  • The Mental Health Units (Use of Force) Act statutory guidance (2021) states 'Training providers must be certified as complying with the RRN Training Standards'
  • CQC inspection expects providers to only use training that is certified and failure to do so is likely to be a breach of Regulation 18 relating to staff training.

Certification of training against the Restraint Reduction Network Training Standards must also be accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) as complying with the ISO certification standards to ensure impartiality, credibility and integrity.

Bild Association of Certified Training have been granted accreditation by UKAS as meeting the ISO 17065:2012 standards for certification. (Customer number 10766).

Who should apply for certification?

There are more than 100 organisations already certified against the Restraint Reduction Network Training Standards. Training providers should apply where their training:

  • has a restrictive intervention component,
  • are either in-house (eg within an NHS Trust) and/or a commercial organisation, and who provide training to health, social care or education in the UK.

How long does the process take?

The certification process takes approximately one year to complete and lasts for three years. During this time, 20% of training curricula, senior trainers and affiliate organisations will be observed. Visit the Certification Process page here.

Training standards

The Standards aim to facilitate culture change, not just technical competence.

They are designed to:

  • Protect people's fundamental human rights and promote person centred best interest and therapeutic approaches to supporting people when they are distressed
  • Improve the quality of life of those being restrained and those supporting them
  • Reduce reliance on restrictive practices by promoting positive culture and practice that focuses on prevention, de-escalation and reflective practice
  • Increase understanding of the root causes of behaviour and recognition that many behaviours are the result of distress due to unmet needs
  • Where required, focus on the safest and most dignified use of restrictive interventions including physical restraint. The scheme includes training needs analysis to ensure training is proportional to the needs of the population and setting. There is also increased scrutiny and surveillance of curricula, senior trainers and affiliated organisations.

Download Restraint Reduction Network Training Standards FAQ (Jan 2021) here.

Download the Restraint Reduction Network Training Standards here.

Download the risk assessment to support training ratios tool.



Contact us

If you would like to find out more about your eligibility and the scope of the scheme, please fill in this form, or call us on:

0121 415 6960 Option 3

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